Richard III and the Princes in the Tower

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
As a person that is fascinated with history, particularly English history and very particularly the Wars of the Roses, I find this book almost perfect.
The conclusion it draws is natural, logical and based on fact.
But if you are one of those people (that I am meeting more and more frequently in online forums) that believe that everything bad ever written about Richard is Tudor propaganda, you will not like this book. It is not anti-Richard, but it explores the facts, and the facts are that not everything that Richard did can be seen in a positive light and if you are not willing to accept that, you should not read this.
I like it when a history book shows the good and the bad, I like the logical approach and I find it well-written and easy enough to be read, even if you are not an expert in history. If that is what matters to you, you will like this book.
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