Nothing But the Truth: Selected Dispatches

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is a book that needs to be read if not for any other reason than for us to remember what war brings. To remember what happens outside our zone of comfort to people just like us who had the misfortune to be born in an area where other nations' interest decided that a warzone must be created. This is what happens when nationalism and pride in your nation goes to the extent of not respecting other nations' right to live.
In a world where most of the people reading this book have no worse worries than paying their mortgages and loans to buy cars and phones, there are people who don't even know whether or not they will live another day. And when the worst strikes, it doesn't even strike fast, because the people of which this book talks of are tortured in the most inhuman ways you can think of. And this happens while the Western society ignores it and numbs itself into oblivion.
We need more books like this to remind us that we are not done yet with evil in this world.
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