The Story of Che Guevara

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This book is written more from a personal perspective, rather than a historical one. It means to introduce us to Che the human being rather than the revolutionary. The author is obviously an admirer of Che's - and she admits so from the start. Her sources are Che's diaries, his letters to his family and the testimonials of people who fought by his side.
I do not doubt the accuracy of the sources but we must bare in mind that they are presenting only one point of view: Che's. The author glosses over his less admirable acts and executions and I do not feel that she addresses them strong enough to convince me that the other side did not also have a valid point.
If you want an objective view on Che, this may not be the best choice. But it's a good story, it's well written and it's an accurate portrayal of at least one side of things.
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