I am disgusted
...with the number of comments that say that the actresses that reported Harvey Weinstein are ungrateful bitches.
... with all the people that say "that's how it is" and shrug
...with the people that say when you call out the "blame the victim" rape defense you're spouting feminist propaganda
...with all the women that say that all the women that get raped are"asking for it" and that they "should have known better"
...with all the people that say that just because you didn't get a dick stuck in you forcefully, you shouldn't talk about harassment (not the same thing, of course, does it make it any less wrong?... Cancer is worse than getting your leg cut, does that mean it doesn't hurt to get your leg cut?!)
...with the fact that society focuses more on teaching women how to avoid rape than on telling men not to do it.
It is not a compliment to have "hey, nice tits" shouted at you on the street.
It does not make me feel attractive to have a random guy grope my butt.
I don't think that dressing attractively is a justification for a guy I do not know to masturbate in front of me.
Stop focusing on the women that get raped and, for fuck's sake, just admit it: had they not been raped, the rapist would have raped someone else. Because the problem lies with him. Not with whoever unwillingly erected his dick at a certain moment in time.
... with all the people that say "that's how it is" and shrug
...with the people that say when you call out the "blame the victim" rape defense you're spouting feminist propaganda
...with all the women that say that all the women that get raped are"asking for it" and that they "should have known better"
...with all the people that say that just because you didn't get a dick stuck in you forcefully, you shouldn't talk about harassment (not the same thing, of course, does it make it any less wrong?... Cancer is worse than getting your leg cut, does that mean it doesn't hurt to get your leg cut?!)
...with the fact that society focuses more on teaching women how to avoid rape than on telling men not to do it.
It is not a compliment to have "hey, nice tits" shouted at you on the street.
It does not make me feel attractive to have a random guy grope my butt.
I don't think that dressing attractively is a justification for a guy I do not know to masturbate in front of me.
Stop focusing on the women that get raped and, for fuck's sake, just admit it: had they not been raped, the rapist would have raped someone else. Because the problem lies with him. Not with whoever unwillingly erected his dick at a certain moment in time.
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