Unleashing Demons: The Inside Story of Brexit

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The book is written like a journal, which sometimes can mean events are not presented as linked together. I found myself a few times having to go back to recheck the chain of events.
David Cameron is presented in a very positive light and clearly the author has a very good opinion of him. I am not entirely sure it is justified.
The part I appreciated the most was the realistic presentation of the bafflement of the Remain campaign in regards to the lengths the Leave campaign was willing to go to and the false information that was being spread around in the name of Leave. I think this is the sort of bafflement that remains to this day in regards to many other topics, which are being pushed around with aggressiveness and shared in the name of "free speech". This is the challenge of today's era of social media and Brexit was just one of the first visible examples.
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