Toxic families and relationships
Here's a question you're going to ask yourself at least once in your life: is having a toxic family/relationship better or worse than none at all? I have felt loneliness and I know how much it hurts to be alone especially at a time like Christmas (since it's the season) to look around you and see relationships and families flourishing while your social calendar consists of reading a book/watching a movie or playing a computer game. And yes, while all the above activities are fun, they're not as much fun when they're just about the only option you have. The temptation is to jump into the arms of a person that has nothing to do with what you want, is nowhere near what you need and is as suitable for you as a naked swim in midwinter. We jump into that person's arms, because that person is the only one that showed an interest or some sort of an availability (very likely they are jumping into your arms for the same reason you are jumping into theirs). We are choo...